
제목정승진, 영어로 사회를 보다So it’s my pleasure, my honor to present Mr. Youn, a boy from Gwangju, Korea. (박수)2018-12-30 11:51

평화와 정의를 위한 해외동포대회 2004


남1 : 다 같이 해주세요. Am I free to go? 계속해야 되요. Yeah, he says, am I free to go and then I say to him, no. Then what do you say? This time is say, I wish to remain silence, I want to talk to my lawyer. Okay?


남2 : 계속 Am I free to go? 하다가 갑자기 경찰이 No하면 그러면 그때는 Am I free to go 계속 안하고 그 다음에 하실 말은 I wish to remain silence and I want to talk to my lawyer.


남1 : And that’s it. Don’t say anything else. Don’t explain. Oh, my english is not so good. No. Just say, I wish to remain silence and I want to talk to my lawyer. Because if we say that, then police know your serious, that they have nothing to let you go. If not them, whatever you say, they will use that.


남2 : 고렇게 말을 하면 이제 경찰이 실질적으로


남2 : ..give you 5th translation and but this time we don’t have script. and then that’s ya. So the translation mean not be perfect, so we’re sorry for that. But anyway 대중이형, DJ he spent all night. Yesterday ..to make this. This is not script, but this is translation of the fact. list. ...list. That will be used in the talk. So you can refer this. ...talk.필요한 사람.


정승진 : 정승진입니다. 오늘 가장 중요한 순서인 정세분석에 사회를 맡게 되었습니다. 박수를 한 번 쳐주시고. (박수) 지금 졸리실 텐데 점심도 잘 드셨겠다, 쪼끔 땀도 뺐고 쪼끔 졸리실 텐데. 제가 긴 설명 안 드려도 특히 제가 드리는 우리말을 이해할 수 있는 저처럼 연세가 되신 분들은 정세분석이 얼마나 중요한 것인지 알고계시니까 긴 소개 말씀은 안 드리겠습니다. 어쨌든 정신 차리시고 세상이 어떻게 돌아가는지, 우리가 그 속에서 무엇을 해야 될지를 곰곰 하게 생각해보는 시간이 되었으면 좋겠습니다.

My name is Seung-jin Jung, the member of Korean alliance for peace and justice Newyork. And this is about time to start those enough, you have nice lunch, and you have .., physical exercise. But this is the most important time for this entire event. We’re here to talk about what’s going on in the world, to figure out what must be not. But unfortunately we’re doing hard best to provide you with a simon...translation, but which is not perfect. And also Mr. Youn is known to use different set language. Very unique. This is almost impossible to catch up. What I command, the colleague, extra ....over there, 정환, 미란 and . Please excuse us that it would not be perfect. So if you cannot understand any part of this presentation. That’s quite natural. (웃음) We will open the door for Question and Answer. So please still .. as your question in English. Then we can cover your questions during any session. Any question. you question for .... That’s fine. So Mr. Youn will cover the column, political situation in Northeast Asia and Korea. So we will talk about what’s going on in the world, figure out what’s to be done. I guess I need to make long introduction Mr. Youn. But as you all know ... during his 10 .years political. He actually initiated, organised, lead Young Koreans United, as well as Korean alliance for peace and justice in United States. Every since you went back korea, 11 years ago, he still plain .....in South Korea. He is a man of wisdom, insight. So he is everything. So it’s my pleasure, my honor to present Mr. Youn, a boy from Gwangju, Korea. (박수)

(자동등록방지 숫자를 입력해 주세요)